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Privacy Policy and Data Collection

Welcome to the website of Jobs Fraser Coast (a Regional Jobs Committee). Jobs Bundaberg is delivered by Regional Development Australia Wide Bay Burnett Inc. (ABN: 75 530 792 492) as part of a service agreement arrangement with the Queensland Government.


Regional Development Australia Wide Bay Burnett (RDA WBB) is subject to the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (the Privacy Act).


The Privacy Act contains 13 Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) which are rules about how we may collect, use, disclose and store personal and sensitive information, and how you may access and correct records containing your personal or sensitive information. We are committed to protecting your privacy in accordance with the APPs.



RDA WBB only collects personal information that is necessary for, or directly related to its functions or activities. The type of information generally collected and held includes:

  • personal contact details

  • personnel/employee records including educational qualifications

  • complaint and feedback information

  • contract, tender and submission documents

  • litigation and compensation records

  • grants and award information

  • employee conflict of interest declarations

  • mailing and subscription lists

  • FOI applications

  • ministerial correspondence

  • personal details of board appointees



RDA WBB stores all personal information securely and restricts access to those employees who need access in order to perform their duties or to assist individuals. Personal information is stored electronically such as on databases, hard drives or in emails, or on hard copy files.


RDA WBB takes all necessary steps to ensure that personal information is protected from misuse, loss and interference.



RDA WBB only uses and/or discloses information for the purposes for which it was collected (the primary purpose), unless an individual has consented to another use.


There are certain limited circumstances in which we may use or disclose information for a different purpose, known as a secondary purpose, where that purpose is:

  • directly related to the primary purpose for which the information was collected

  • required or authorised under an Australian law or has been ordered by a court or tribunal

  • necessary to lessen or prevent a serious threat to the life, health or safety of any individual, or public health or safety

  • a permitted general situation or health situation, as defined by the Privacy Act or

  • an enforcement related activity and the use or disclosure of the information is reasonably necessary


If RDA WBB uses or discloses information for a purpose other than what it was originally collected for, RDA WBB will keep a written notice of that use or disclosure as required by the APP’s.



Individuals may request access to personal information held by RDA WBB. There is no charge associated with making a request and the organisation will process the request and provide access to the information, in most cases, within 30 days.


The more information an individual can provide about dealings they have had with RDA WBB and any of its programs, the easier and more quickly information can be located.


For security reasons, and to protect individuals" privacy, applicants may be asked to provide proof of their identity.


To access personal information, a written request should be sent to the Director of Regional Development (DRD) by email at or in writing to:


Attention: Director of Regional Development

Regional Development Australia Wide Bay Burnett Inc


Hervey Bay QLD 4655


The DRD can be contacted on (07) 4124 2526 to discuss any privacy issues.

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