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Fraser Coast Careers & Industry Showcase

Jobs Fraser Coast - Fraser Coast Industry & Careers Showcase

The flagship event for Jobs Fraser Coast, 2024’s Fraser Coast Industry & Careers Showcase saw its third and record-breaking year.  

Seeing a year-on-year increase in both exhibitors and attendees’ numbers, the event connects today's students and jobseekers - the workforce of tomorrow - with employers and trainers who support our region's future. 

As a student or jobseeker, the Fraser Coast Industry & Careers Showcase offers you the opportunity to create your future!  From career ideas, real jobs or a new career path you get to talk with the region’s employers about job opportunities in a range of sectors like healthcare, agriculture, defence, education, hospitality, manufacturing, construction and more!  Plus, you'll enjoy engaging with region’s leading training institutions and universities uncovering all the pathways to your dream job.

As an exhibitor you’ll gain access a world of opportunity and workforce possibilities right at your fingertips with school leavers, job-ready individuals, school-based trainees and eager career-shifters. You get to shape the future of your workforce and even recruit onsite! 

We look forward to seeing you all in 2025 for next Fraser Coast Industry & Careers Showcase. 

The Fraser Coast Regional Jobs Committee is also known as Jobs Fraser Coast, is proudly supported and funded by the Queensland Government.

How to find us

07 4124 2526


Postal Address: Po Box 43 Hervey Bay QLD 4655

Jobs Fraser Coast recognises, respects, celebrates and values the following Traditional Owner Groups of the Fraser Coast Region:

From the Butchulla (Badtjala) People to the east and the Kabi Kabi (Gubbi Gubbi) People to the west.

The Fraser Coast Regional Job Committee – also known as Jobs Fraser Coast – is proudly supported and funded by the Queensland Government.

Funded by the Queensland Government
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