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Mat Eyles

Mat brings more than a decade of experience in economic development, employment services and quality improvement to his role and is passionate about empowering both individuals and communities to unlock their full potential, regularly working with community, school and youth programs.

Having worked in senior economic development roles for Fraser Coast Regional Council and the Queensland Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning, he has a strong grasp both of the drivers of economic growth and local needs.

Combined with other previous positions including business management and employment and financial literacy training, Mat brings a powerful mix of strategic planning, community development and great relationship building to his role. A well-known professional facilitator, public speaker and seasoned life skills coach, he is a strong believer in good communication, continuous improvement and taking a holistic approach to addressing challenges.

How to find us

07 4124 2526


Postal Address: Po Box 43 Hervey Bay QLD 4655

Jobs Fraser Coast recognises, respects, celebrates and values the following Traditional Owner Groups of the Fraser Coast Region:

From the Butchulla (Badtjala) People to the east and the Kabi Kabi (Gubbi Gubbi) People to the west.

The Fraser Coast Regional Job Committee – also known as Jobs Fraser Coast – is proudly supported and funded by the Queensland Government.

Funded by the Queensland Government
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